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    EH cropped Headshot _Summit 2023

    Eva Hurt

    Vice President Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, North America
    The Coca-Cola Company

    Eva Hurt is the VP North America Scientific and Regulatory Affairs (SRA) at The Coca-Cola Company. Prior to moving to Atlanta, GA, Eva had an international career that has taken her from Brussels, London, Switzerland to Singapore and Washington DC with progressively senior roles in regulatory and corporate affairs. In her role, she and her SRA team are responsible for all aspects of regulatory compliance, innovation and claims substantiation, and external advocacy in US and Canada.

    Summit Speaker

    Regulatory Panel

    Organizing Regulatory Affairs as an Enabler of Business Growth

    This session will bring together industry regulatory leaders to explore how effective management of regulatory affairs can serve as a powerful catalyst for business expansion. Our esteemed panelists will delve into strategies for streamlining regulatory processes, ensuring compliance while fostering innovation, and leveraging regulatory affairs as a strategic tool for business growth. They will share their personal experiences and insights on transforming regulatory challenges into opportunities, thus paving the way for sustainable growth. Expect to glean valuable knowledge from direct experts for rethinking the role of regulatory affairs in your organization's growth story.

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