Eric Unis BBB NAD headshot-1

    Eric Unis

    Senior Attorney
    BBB National Programs, National Advertising Division

    Eric Unis is a Senior Attorney at BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division (NAD). In over four years at NAD, he has authored dozens of decisions in cases involving a wide range of products and industries, including food and beverages, OTC drugs, dietary supplements, personal care products, telecommunications, and automobiles. In private practice representing clients in a wide range of industries prior to joining NAD, Eric focused on complex commercial litigation, consumer class actions, government investigations, consumer product safety issues, and advertising and marketing law. Eric has a B.A. from New York University with a double major in Politics and History and received his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.

    Speaking at the Summit


    Sustainability Claims - A Double Edged Sword

    ESG and Sustainability claims have become a competitive imperative for companies across industries. Consumers are demanding to know what the companies they buy from stand for, and what’s in the products they use and consume. Companies who wish to sell products and survive have no choice but to make sustainability claims. However the area of sustainability claims is relatively new, standards are often evolving or even undefined, and they vary by region. What steps can companies take to make the claims they must make and still remain safe from accusations of greenwashing or cause washing? A cross functional panel will explore these and other questions and you’ll get actionable advice to leverage in your own companies.

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