Key Takeaways from a Vibrant Veeva Consumer Products EU Summit

Have you ever unexpectedly run into someone you haven’t seen in a long time? The joy of reconnecting, the shared memories, and the thrill of catching up on each other's lives can be incredibly heartwarming.

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Last month at the Veeva Consumer Products Europe Summit, I witnessed countless such moments. Former colleagues reunited, and people from the same large organizations, who rarely meet face-to-face, had the chance to connect again. One participant likened the experience to a high school reunion, and I couldn’t agree more—it was truly special.

The energy in the room was 'Real Magic', and not just because the Chief Quality, Safety & Environmental Officer from a top global beverage company hopped behind the bar to pour his organization’s iconic product for guests.

The Summit was not just an opportunity to discuss shared challenges and opportunities but also a chance to foster deeper connections and collaborative efforts across the industry. Reflecting on what made this event meaningful and valuable to the panelists, participants, and our Veeva team, I came away with five key takeaways:

post-img1. Build It and They Will Come

The Veeva Consumer Products EU Summit successfully brought together some of the brightest minds in the industry. Leaders in quality, regulatory, R&D, and IT joined forces to address common challenges, share insights, and explore opportunities. This convergence of expertise highlights the importance of creating forums where industry leaders can collaborate and innovate collectively. This is why we’re so excited to host the Veeva Consumer Products Americas Summit this October in New York City.

2. Venue Matters

The choice of the Capital C in Amsterdam wasn't just about logistics; it was vital to the event's success. An inspiring, energizing space filled with natural light truly elevates the experience. It sparks creativity, fosters a learning mindset, and encourages meaningful interactions. This proves that investing in the right environment is truly worthwhile.


3. It’s a Small World

A recurring theme throughout the Summit was the realization of just how interconnected the consumer product industry is. Many attendees had crossed paths at different stages in their careers, fostering a sense of reunion that accelerated relationship-building and made networking more effective. For instance, on the panel of Chief Quality Officers that I moderated, only one of the four panelists had never worked at Reckitt! The Summit often felt like a gathering of old friends, significantly enhancing the collaborative spirit of the event.



4. The More Audience Engagement The Better

While the Summit showcased a range of insightful moderated panels and presentations, the most inspiring moments were those when panelists engaged with the audience and answered their peers' questions. I plan to apply this learning to the design of the Veeva Consumer Products Americas Summit in October, where we will create more opportunities for attendees to share their thoughts and experiences, enhancing interaction and engagement.


5. The Effort and Teamwork Behind the Scenes

Organizing an event of this scale requires significant effort and teamwork. From the panelists and moderators to the event team and engaged attendees, every role was crucial. But why do we invest so much into these events? And why don’t we charge for industry leaders to attend? The answer lies in our core belief—bringing together leaders in these functions within the consumer products industry is invaluable. This collaborative effort aligns with Veeva’s vision as a Public Benefit Corporation and our aim to advance the consumer product industry in its digital transformation. 


To wrap up, the Veeva Consumer Products Europe Summit in Amsterdam was a resounding success, thanks to the collective effort and engagement of all involved. We look forward to continuing these conversations and driving the industry forward together at the Veeva Consumer Products Americas Summit in New York this fall. 

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