PMI + Veeva - Empowering Business
Transformation through Quality



"Quality starts with all of us."   René Bohren, Global Head Corporate Quality Management System at Philip Morris International (PMI)

PMI is on a journey to deliver a smoke-free future - the biggest shift in their business ever. That also requires a completely revamped approach to quality - from being perceived as a hindrance to shifting into a powerful enabler for achieving their business goals. The PMI Quality team successfully masters that.

Watch this video and learn how PMI has:

  • Created a globally-accessible eQMS platform
  • Unified processes across business areas and product categories
  • Established a continuous improvement mindset that empowers transformation at scale
  • Valued a close collaboration between Quality and IT




Learn more about how we’re helping customers bring trusted products to market faster in, and across, key consumer products industries.

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